They Make Me Want To Sing That Dionne Warwick Song

Somehow I managed to spend quality time with each of my BFFs in California. I do not use that term lightly, mind you. These are people who I have know for years- they know all my shit, my faults, my dating horror stories, they remember stuff for me and never fail to make me laugh. This time was no exception.

I spent Wednesday with Marnacakes who graciously picked me up from the airport after she’d already been there earlier dropping off another friend. I mentioned that I was hungry and once we arrived at her house she laid out quite a spread AND gave me a beer. I love her. She is the epitome of sweetness. She’s just comfortable to spend time with without an agenda. Supple, who had taken a day off to hang with us, arrived in a clamor of excitement and we spent a few more hours catching up then wandered along the marina listening to the “fog horn” which in Berkeley sounds like someone left their car door ajar. I found this very distressing because the fog horn sound is UNIVERSAL and why is Berkeley fucking with it?! But then we went to a wine bar and I had beer (cuz I am klassy) and I promptly forgot about it. It was really good beer though.

Beer and I are kind of in love.

Bird picked me up Thursday and whisked me away to Union Square where RaeRae was waiting for us. I remember when Bird met RaeRae in their graduate studies program. She said to me, “You have to meet my friend RaeRae. You will love her.” And I do. I love them both so much my heart bursts. We spent three hours dining at The Grand Cafe being decadent- mid-day drinking, appetizers and dessert, and languidly talking about our lives. With Bird and RaeRae we kind of jump right into the deep end. This is one of the many, many things I adore about them both. There are no pretenses and a year can pass between seeing their lovely faces and yet we are still THAT CLOSE. Also, we can go from discussing what can only be described as poolside pornography to body image to the pros and cons of marriage within a few minutes and we all keep up. Now that’s friendship.

That night the newbie mixer and people’s party came and two days of BlogHer madness ensued which I’ve already alluded to. After having such a whirlwind time meeting fantastic bloggers and being inundated with business cards and facts and stories, I was desperate for some one-on-one time with people who knew me. Not “knew me” but REALLY knew me. I left the Macy’s party (which I heard was fantastic, damn me!) to meet up with Dumpling and Jersey Girl. They took me to Lefty O’Douls where we were accosted by a bitchy waitress but soothed ourselves with slabs of meat and some mashed potatoes.

I loved how when the waitress was snippy, Dumpling in his way sought revenge. When she came by asking if we wanted any more drinks he did not make eye contact and declined a cocktail. This is Dumpling’s way of sticking it to her. I love him. He’s just not callous in any way, shape or form. They insisted that I sleep in their bed and sadly, they meant without them. Damn it! They even had bread and eggs for me for the morning. My friends know me so well.

In the morning on our way to Santa Cruz, we stopped at a bank and Dumpling switched with Jersey so she could drive. I get in the backseat and Jersey starts driving. Dumpling asks, “So. . . do you know where you are going?” She replies, “No. No I don’t.” He retorts, “That’s what I thought. Turn right.” This is SO them. I want them to get married and move to Seattle and have babies and anoint me Godmother. Is that too much to ask!?

I do not think so.

We were actually going to the Boardwalk in Santa Cruz because my family was having their annual reunion but I confess that I basically found my family, said a quick round of hellos and then went to grab grub and ride some rides. I didn’t actually ever make it back to the family reunion until most of my family was gone. I am a very, very, very bad relative. I hope they don’t disown me. I am rather fond of that loud Irish clan. But I just couldn’t resist being a kid again along with Tomato, Androol, Sari, Dumpling and Jersey Girl. I had a GREAT time and managed to not get sun burned or motion sickness. I did get sopping wet on the Logger’s Revenge Ride though.

I spent Sunday night and most of Monday at what is likely the last time I will ever be at my Mom’s house in Monterey. It’s a cozy one and a half bedroom house with one bathroom. And there were five adults and one child, one bed, two blow up mattresses, and one couch. New meaning to the term “cozy” right? Over a dinner of left over meatballs, Finn farted on Tomato’s lap (who then promptly gave him back to Dokey) and then shortly thereafter, my Mom’s Golden Retriever, Oliver, threw up in the kitchen. And that’s how we do family dinner. Like I said, klassy.

I was so glad that Tomato and Androol were able to make the drive up from L.A. I TRY to like L.A. but really all it has going for it is the people that I love that reside there. (I am totally going to get shit for that statement, I just know it.) Tomato has been a champ. He has flown to Seattle and now driven to Monterey to spend time with me. If you came to see other people, Tomato, let’s just pretend that it was all about me.

As per usual.

After an hour and a half drive to Los Gatos on Monday, we arrived at Mikey & Meagan’s new house. I got to see Lou! She looks older but doesn’t act it. (For those of you who are new, Lou is my dog who lives with Mikey who is her “papa” because when I got her Mikey and I were dating and then years later I fixed him up with Meagan and now they are married. Try to keep up.) I got to just hang out with them looking at their wedding photos (they eloped) and swapping stories (I have not eloped). This is the mark of good friends. You don’t need to GO anywhere. You just want their company. And maybe a glass of wine. (Beer, don’t be jealous. I still love you best.)

Mikey and Lou drove me to the airport the next day. Well, Mikey drove and Lou just stuck her head out the window making her monkey noises. It’s always sad to say goodbye but with friends like these I know that no matter the miles, we’re still joined together.

Thank you my dear, wonderful friends for making my trip so memorable and enjoyable. I love you to pieces and miss you terribly.

* * * * * * * *

I am also guest posting at Nilsa’s today if you feel like you need an extra dose of me.

41 thoughts on “They Make Me Want To Sing That Dionne Warwick Song

  1. I love beer best too!

    It’s nice that your mom is moving to Seattle… but she is leaving Monterey. Very sad. Best place to visit! My parents left Long Island and I was sad that I would no longer have a free place to stay near NYC.

    What happened to the dog park guy?

  2. That sounds like a wonderful (whirlwind) trip! And no wonder blogher felt a bit isolating…you had spent the days before and after surrounded by your best ever friends- its hard to top that!

  3. Sleep? Probably didn’t, right?

    Friends, friends, and more friends … lovely trip.

    Thanks for sharing all the happy, smiling faces.

    Hope no one turned your apartment building into a brothel while you were gone.

    I’m sure you’ll tell us the good, the bad, and the ugly about what happened there while you were West Coast Hobnobbing.

  4. Holy crap, I saw this in my reader and my eyes were immediately drawn to “O’Douls.” Glad to see I took it out of context.

    Decaf beer is stupid.

  5. Sizzle, I *pink puffy heart* You.
    This was perhaps the best, most joyous post ever, and you have made my morning smile and sigh in satisfaction! 🙂

    I so get you, about the spending time with people who really Know you, not just “know you”. yeah.
    My grinchly heart grew three sizes at that.

    Welcome back–

  6. Aww, I love meeting up with friends like that.

    I have also been having a love affair with beer for many years. We’re even Myspace friends!

  7. You have some amazing friends! I’ve always said that’s a true friend when you can not see each other for a year and pick up right where you left off.

  8. What a fantastic trip! I’m looking forward to my trip to California at the end of September. Sorely missing my California BFFs!!

  9. for god’s sake, i always cry when you write these posts… oh the memories!
    i am so happy for you that were able to see everyone and connect…
    i can hear the laughter in my head 🙂

    and LOU! Lou lou! i am glad to hear the m,m&l family are doing well. oh lou lou…sweet she is.

  10. Wow you have so many friends – how the hell do you keep up with them all? 😉 Sounds like so much fun. I’m a little jealous…

  11. My head is spinning from all the fun you had! So happy you got to catch up with so many friends, but happy to have you back here in Seattle!

  12. Welcome back! Sounds like you had a super fun time! Also, I am now singing that Dionne warwick song over here…on your behalf of course.

  13. Good friendships are the best! I left a lot of wonderful friends when I left San Francisco 10 years ago, I miss them so much.I do however have a bunch more great friends here in Taos. I am glad you had a blast :-).

  14. Looks like you have some awesome friends! They are to be cherished that’s for sure. It reminds me that I’ve been too busy to see my friends in quite a while…I’ll have to remedy that.

  15. I’m with you on your thoughts about LA. HATE it!

    I’m glad you were able to see your friends and hang out. I’m sure this was much needed after BlogHer.

  16. The beer was Saison Dupont.
    I don’t know if that is actually the way you spell it.
    It is a Belgium Farmhouse Ale.
    tasty tasty.!

  17. One of my friends and his wife (well mostly just him) claims I am going to be godfather of their child. I’m going all out, just in case they’re serious. I found an “If you think I’m cute you should see my godfather” t-shirt online the other day 🙂

  18. Pingback: Seattle’s Newest Edition « Sizzle Says

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