Unapologetically Me

Thank you, thank you, thank you for the pep. It worked! I put on my power red shoes and buttoned up my new dress (while hiding my secret oomph tattoo- thanks for the suggestion Deb). I attempted to tone down my new hair but who am I kidding? That’s not really possible. I plastered a smile on my face and walked tall. In heels! No small feat for me.

I think it went really well. I held my own. I answered every question completely. They’ll let me know about second round interviews by the end of the week and I would be surprised if they didn’t ask me back. Surprised and mortified but I am not even going to let my thoughts go there. I did my best and am ready for what’s next.

I was asked a pointed final question: how do I think I’d work with my potential new boss? (Asked by the potential new boss in front of my current boss no less.) I took that opportunity to spell something out. I know who I am. I am not a fake. I am not a liar. I’m a straight shooter- direct and real. For some people, this can be off-putting. I get that. People aren’t used to it. And yeah, sometimes it can be a bit much. But you will always know where you stand with me. And if you can appreciate that quality in me then we’ll get along great. I know how to be professional. I can exercise decorum. But I also know how to have fun and my sense of humor has saved me more times than I should probably admit. It’s taken me a lot of therapy to accept myself but here I am.

Unapologetically ME.

And you know what? In answering that question I spoke volumes about the woman I am and how far I’ve come. And THAT is fucking awesome. No matter the outcome, I feel good about that.

But I still really want the job.

73 thoughts on “Unapologetically Me

  1. fan-freaking-tabulous! i think that the best part about getting older is knowing who you are and not being afraid to be yourself. i really hope you get the new job. πŸ™‚

  2. i always go for the red shoes when i need a lift! love yours. ohmygod, and your new HOH! so sassy! and the shirt dress- very “in” right now!

    you are fabulous and i hope no matter what, the interview helped you to realize that even more. if it’s meant to be, it will be. congrats to you for going for it and putting yourself out there!

  3. And we all breathe a big, collective sigh of relief. No really, imagine that. Happy sighs across the country. Around the world. On your behalf! Fingers crossed you hear what you want to hear later this week!!!

  4. Yayyyyy! I love your answer. SO SO SO SO true. My husband is a what you see what you get kind of guy. I should cut and paste that answer and print it for him to memorize. I think you said it much better than anyone else I’ve ever heard.

    You Rock Sizzle!!

    :: crossing fingers ::

  5. You shouldn’t have to apologize for who you are. Ever. Be proud of yourself: we all are.

    And we still really want you to get the job.

  6. I love coming to realizations about who I am… I also found out some things about myself during the interview process a few years ago. It’s surprising how much you learn when you are preparing!

    Good luck!

  7. you can have that job
    it is your job

    cuz it’s

    this or something better

    you always know that


    CALL me dammit! :>)

  8. Oh! The paragraph about you being a “straight-shooter” and sometimes off-putting?? As if I didn’t like love you already! πŸ˜€ heh! ❀

    Excellent about the Interview! I am really proud of you for bucking up and just doing it a la Nike. You show your guts at crunch-time, don’t you? Awesome.
    Good luck with the next round, but most importantly, you can proud of the way you performed at THIS one.

  9. You are so adorable Sizz! Ahem, in a professional way of course.
    I have my fingers and toes crossed but regardless, you’ve already got a good outcome on this one. πŸ™‚

  10. Nice. Very nice. You rocked that interview.

    AND, instead of being Debbie Downer, you are very upbeat and confident, full of yourself. It’s about freakin’ damn time.

    Keeping my fingers and toes crossed for you!

    (And that’s hard to do. Especially my toes.)

  11. I had me an interview today; may we both have the good fortune to find something we love doing (and to get paid for it!).

    You can’t see it right now sizz, but I’m raising my beer for you right now (It’s Racer 5~YUMMM~Hic!).

    Cheers baby!

  12. Kick ass!!!! Good for you in so many freaking wonderful ways!!!

    Yay Sizzle!!!

    Oooh, and red power shoes…. I’m going to have to keep that idea in mind.

  13. good luck w/the second interview and thanks for sharing a pic of your ‘secret’ tattoo – never realized you had one… perhaps we should all reveal our ink someday, that would be fun… ;o)

  14. Sizz, you really rock! I hope you go back and read this post from time to time – especially those Prednisone-type days. I too hope you get that job! :O)

  15. I love unapologetically you. They’d be crazy not to ask you back for a second interview.

    (Oh, also on my list of vexations: multiple round interviews. I mean, I totally get WHY, but still: annoying. To me, anyway. : ) )

  16. You make me so proud, I just want to ruffle my tail feathers for hours. By the end of the day, I’m going to be a bloomin’ peacock, I swear to baby jesus. I love you, Jonesy. You kicked prednisone’s ass and I love you more than you could shake a stick at. All I want is for to you to be working in a job where you are completely expressed and able to operate at your highest capacity. xoxo HB

  17. I hope you get the job. You have come a long way, and damn, if you put your best out there, what more is there? You’re awesome Sizzly, and if they know what’s good for them, you’ll get the “You’re hired!” call πŸ˜‰

  18. “Unapologetically me” – so awesome, so so awesome. And, since I’m a few days behind in reading, I already know the outcome. You? Rock.

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