Photo a Day Challenge

For the month of January I took part in the January Photo a Day Challenge. It kept me engaged in snapping photos (which I love to do). It was fun to see what other people posted and if you searched for the hashtag on instagram you could see what all the participants all over the world were posting. It made the world feel smaller and reminded me that we’re all a lot more alike than different.

For those of you not on instagram, here’s my month of photos.


If you’d like to join, here are the prompts for February.

14 thoughts on “Photo a Day Challenge

  1. So fun! I am trying for February as I figured the shortest month was best for my commitment (memory?)… problems. Also, can you tell me what apps you use other than Instagram? Please and thanks. 🙂

  2. Stop it with your cuteness in the polka dotty dress and red belt! I love that outfit!! These are so adorable (especially the one of the kitties 🙂 What a fun thing to participate in. Oooh and how’s The Marriage Plot? We just listened to Middlesex on tape after Christmas and loved it. Is Marriage Plot as good?

  3. Loved your pics on Instagram and love it here! I won’t be taking part in February, but I’m keeping to my one a day photo for a year on Instagram. I am SO addicted to that app by the way.

  4. HI Sizz…yes same question here….how do you add text to your instagrams? I’m a newbie but am so inspired by you! xoxokh

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