I’m so 3008; you’re so 2000 and late.

Because of you guys and all your awesome cover suggestions I *may* have spent hundreds of dollars at iTunes in the last 24 hours. Ahem! I think that cd I am giving away might end up becoming a two disc set at the very least. Remember, you have until Tuesday to break my bank chime in with your favorites.

This has nothing to do with cover songs but I cannot stop listening to Boom Boom Pow by the Black Eyed Peas and I feel compelled to confess it to you. I can’t help it! It makes me want to dance like a robot! If you’re going to BlogHer in July be forewarned, we’re having a dance-off to the song.

So not that you asked but I’ve got quite a weekend planned. Besides working on my robot dance moves (Word!), I’m going to get my hair done because the white hairs overtaketh. I can’t decide if I should grow it out a bit or keep it short. This is the dilemma of my life. Gee, I’m so tortured. I’m also going to get some pool time in. On Saturdays after class there’s the kiddie swim so my nephew likes to come. Kids swimming is one of the most adorable things. Like how they scrunch up their faces in anticipation of getting their face splashed? The cuteness slays me. I’ve got some crafty projects to finish up as well as some home improvements to tackle and the apartment building to do list is becoming quite epic.

I’m going to check out the Fremont Fair with a girlfriend and finally see a movie at the Central Cinema (they serve booze and food at tables while you watch the film!) with the Mad Irishman- they’re playing Casablanca.

Rick: It’s funny about your voice, how it hasn’t changed. I can still hear it. “Richard, dear, I’ll go with you anyplace. We’ll get on a train together and never stop – ”

Ilsa: Don’t, Rick! I can understand how you feel.

Rick: [scoffs] You understand how I feel. How long was it we had, honey?

Ilsa: [on the verge of tears] I didn’t count the days.

Rick: Well, I did. Every one of ’em. Mostly I remember the last one. The wild finish. A guy standing on a station platform in the rain with a comical look in his face because his insides have been kicked out.

Damn, I love that movie. And Humphrey Bogart. And Ingrid Bergman.


It’s Northwest Folklife Festival this weekend too so I’m tagging along with my sister to see her friend’s band perform and then we’re going to bbq at my mom’s because HELLO it’s Memorial Day weekend and you have to bbq. It’s like an American mandate or some shit. Besides, I’ve been craving kabobs something fierce. (I am certain one or some of you can find a dirty joke in that statement.)

It’s a good thing it’s a three dayer because I have a lot of fun to fit in. I’ve heard rumors of sunny skies and warm temperatures too. I can’t wait!

Enjoy your weekend, friends.

27 thoughts on “I’m so 3008; you’re so 2000 and late.

  1. Hope you have a GREAT weekend – sounds like fun plans (especially the dancing)!

    I’m in a growing-out-my-hair phase, so I say give it a try. I am loving mine today. It’s just behaving perfectly.

  2. Wow, that is a jammed packed weekend. Have fun. This weather is doing nothing to help me want to work. I was CERTAIN yesterday was Friday. I can’t believe I have to go to work today.

  3. Man, how come I never heard of Central Cinema when I lived down there?? How fun is THAT place?? Cool. I may have to have a date night there. Soon.

    Sounds like a great weekend! Enjoy the sunshine!

  4. I have had that song stuck in my head for days. It’s really such a great dancing song.

    I have no idea what we are doing this weekend. We may be having my daughter’s “boyfriend’s” (in quotes because she’s only 11 and although they call themselves that, they are really just good friends) family over for a BBQ. You are right, barbeque is like a law on Memorial day weekend. Have a great weekend!

  5. We need one of the NW Folk Fairs…Well maybe we have one and I don’t know…but either way, FUCK yeah!

  6. We’re heading out for a day of shopping, dinner, then a movie. Woo!

    I just replied to you on Twitter about the dance party 😉

  7. I miss Freemont Fair and Folklife Festival. I never knew about the movie theater though. We have Studio Movie Grill which is basically the same concept though. Which also makes it the only place I’ll see a movie, because what’s better than drinking, eating and watching a movie all at the same time?

  8. I love that you said “three dayer”…that made me giggle. Sounds like an awesome weekend!

  9. I’m making DELICIOUS lamb kebobs this weekend. It is not Memorial Day weekend without kebobs.

    Also – dance party – we must make sure we have a good stretching session beforehand. Let’s face it – we’re all in our 30s.

  10. I’m having that grow it out/cut it off debate too. My hair is down to my shoulders curly and a couple inches past when it’s wet. I don’t know if I should keep it that way. But of course, I don’t have to decide until next time I go to DC, because I’m not letting anyone except my regular stylist touch my hair when it’s in this delicate stage.

  11. I love Casablanca, too! What a cool movie theatre. I wish we had something like that here. I’ll have to check out your other post – although I already spend more than enough on iTunes. It’s amazing how dangerous it is buying songs individually. 🙂 Have a great weekend!

  12. I still love that you’re doing this, and I made no suggestions yesterday and none today, either. I’m not in a super brainstorm-y mood this week. But I’m looking forward to the entire list! Maybe I’ll end up spending hundreds of dollars on iTunes, too.
    Have a great weekend!

  13. I’m tempted to host a BBQ of my own, but I probably won’t. That movie sounds fabulous though – I would kill to have dinner and drinks while watching something fab, definitely a classic.

    Then again, playing hermit and spending the entire weekend in a nightie doesn’t sound half bad either. Have fun!

  14. Sounds like a fun weekend ahead! Enjoy!
    Also, um…please don’t smack me, but I think I might be the only person on earth who thinks Casablance is totally overrated. (ducks)

  15. I haven’t seen Casablanca in ages, in fact, now that I think about it, i don’t think I’ve ever watched it entirely. I must add it to my list.
    Have a great weekend Sizz, it sounds like it will be great!

  16. Thanks for the tip on Central Cinema — I used to go to a similar type of theatre when I was in college in Fort Worth.

  17. I have spent the weekend baking chocolate/chocolate chip brownies, key lime pie – and whoopie pies. These were all in honor of my 6th grade LA teacher, who passed away on Friday at age 83 (He was an avid baker).

    I will be passing them on to various friends that I love throughout the weekend – all while attending barbecues.

    Have a safe and happy holiday!

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