I’ve Got a Crush On You

tnsWhat better way to begin my post about Blog Crush Day then to tell you that my crush on Tegan and Sara has reached new heights after last night’s concert? I confess, it has. I was up in the bar area with my girl Streets. . .I looked around and realized maybe I was in the wrong section cuz hardly anyone was rockin’ out. There I was, singing along to every song and bobbing my head. I never was cool. Oh well! (I bet I’d be cool if I had this shirt.)And guess what? Apparently whiskey and a concert is the cure for what ails me because low and behold, I’m relatively close to normal health today. Why I’ll be!

So anyhow, it’s time to stop beating around the proverbial bush.blog crush day

The 2nd Annual Reveal Your Blog Crush Day is fast approaching. Mark your google calendars. Set your iPhone alerts. Write a post it note. Whatever you have to do to remember that Dec. 14th is Blog Crush Day.

Now listen. Sandra and I did not create this day with the intention of anyone getting their feelings hurt. We definitely don’t want anyone reliving Junior High horrors. This day was created as a way for bloggers to reveal their secret adoration for a fellow blogger. Is this supposed to be romantic? No. What if it is? Go on with your bad self. Can girls crush on girls? Duh! Can boys crush on boys? Definitely. Though, let’s keep the interspecies lovin’ to ourselves, k? Some of us have family reading.

There’s probably at least one blog out there in the blogiverse that you can’t wait to read each day. Think about it. Then. . .on Dec. 14th, blog about it. If you’re going to participnoteate, let me know in the comments or via email. We’ll link you so everyone can check out each others blogs. It’ll be like finding that note in homeroom all over again!

Do you like me? Check Yes.

Me? I’m having a really hard time narrowing it down. I can tell you this much… this year, I’ve switched teams. Hubba hubba. Mmm hmm.

Speaking of Junior High: “How did you know ’cause I never told/You found out, /I’ve got a crush on you/No more charades,/My hearts been displayed,/You found out, /I’ve got a crush on you . . .” -Crush on You, The Jets

53 thoughts on “I’ve Got a Crush On You

  1. yay! mine could practically write itself this year, but i am still excited to see if i can get creative with it.

    uhhhh, it’s okay to start pimping this right?

  2. I am starting to feel a bit better, maybe I should try the whiskey approach.. 🙂

    I am really not sure if I can narrow it down to just 1, is a small harem acceptable?

  3. I’m there!

    Are we allowed to be anonymous?

    I have three, is that allowed?

    Glad to hear you are finally feeling better. There’s nothing worse than feeling like your entire body is nothing but mucous!! Yuck.

  4. glad you had a good time at the show!
    blog crush day?! haha, i love it. i dont know if i could narrow it down to just one either. maybe i could pick a few… ill let you know!

  5. This is an interesting idea, but I’m hesitant to single anyone out on my blogroll because I like people for different reasons. Maybe I’ll do a long list that lists one thing that I like about everyone on my roll.

  6. You already know you are my crush Sizzle… as much as I like the Fella, I keep plotting ways to get him out of the picture lol!!!!! but then I dont want a sad Siz!

  7. The 14th is a wacky day for me – so I’ll participate if I can get to my computer and remember to blog! I do so love that you do this!

  8. I’ve posted the date on my mental calendar! I’m in Sizzy! Crap, we’re only allowed to pick ONE???

  9. NOOOOO!! I’m gonna be the last kid picked! Just like dodgeball in grade school!!

    JK. Had to razz ya, Blog Sistah! We all know Reveal Your Blog Crush Day is in good fun.

  10. You KNOW I’m in! Gonna pimp this now that my birthday brouhaha is out of the way.

    Now I just have to decide whether to reveal my TRUE blog crush, or play it safe …

  11. Pingback: My Bells Aren’t Jingling « Sizzle Says

  12. Pingback: I Feel So Funky « Sizzle Says

  13. Pingback: Speechless. Needless. Guiltless. « It’s like I’m… mmmagic!

  14. Pingback: Happy Reveal Your Blog Crush Day! « Wafelenbak!

  15. Pingback: I have a secret ;-) « This is not my life.

  16. Pingback: #1 Crush « Wondy Woman

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