You Turkey


I adapted these place-card holders from a Martha Stewart Craft of the Day. I ask you: Why would anyone make their own pom poms when the craft store sells them pre-made? The answer: Because they are a craftzilla. And I am not one. For that (and many other things) I am thankful.

Gobble! Gobble!

Seeing Red

On Monday while out to dinner with Kaply and the Fella, Kap and I realized we had hair appointments at the same salon within an hour of each other the very next day. What a coincidence!

Kaply went bold and went blonde.



My hair process took three hours. First we had to bleach it.


And by “we” I mean my hair stylist.

Then we colored it but the color came out too light. All I could see when I looked in the mirror were EYEBROWS. It was like they were screaming at me from my face. EEEEEEYYYYYYYYEEEEEBBBRRRROOWS! They looked too dark in contrast to the hair color. So under the heat I went again.


Finally, we got this.


While it is still lighter than I originally intended, it works. It’s nuanced and rich and doesn’t allow my eyebrows to overpower my face. AND I bet my Mom will stop asking me if I am having some sort of identity crisis because I finally don’t have those red chunks in my hair. Consider this an early Christmas present, Mom.


And yes, I totally took that photo in my bathroom.


This is day four of my staycation and so far it’s involved a lot of:

  • Sleeping
  • Reading
  • Watching TV
  • Laying on the couch
  • Napping
  • Baking
  • Shopping
  • Going to the beauty salon
  • Bralessness
  • Crafting
  • Going to the movies
  • Cleaning the apartment
  • Reading blogs
  • Dining out
  • Not blogging

I’ve managed to steer clear of:

  • Working
  • Thinking about work
  • Vacuuming the apartment building
  • Talking on the phone
  • Getting dressed
  • Wearing make up
  • Caring about work
  • Getting up before 8am
  • Worrying

Now if you’ll excuse me, these turkey pom pom place holders aren’t going to make themselves.  And I’ve got an appointment at noon with my hair stylist. Busy busy!


I don’t mean to state the obvious but today is Friday. And while Fridays are a day to look forward most of the time, on this particular Friday, I am elated. Because today is my last day of work for a week.


What this means is: I survived. I managed to work two positions, maintain our volunteer program, jump in and coordinate back to back fundraisers, and hire my replacement without anyone losing their life and most of all, without me losing my shit. Okay maybe I lost it a little. But a little is better than ending up in the psych ward. Perspective, people.

So now comes training my replacement. After four days of it I can tell you that passing on two years of knowledge is downright exhausting. All that talking and demonstrating! Who knew I had so much information? The new hire was already an employee with our organization so she’s being handed the same problem of wearing multiple hats and being asked to do two jobs “for the time being.” Now it feels like we’re a juggling duo both tossing balls to one another, trying not to drop them, while we figure out who is doing what in the interim.

There’s a part of me that is really going to miss my old position. I was good at it. I built a lot of structure and systems out of nothing. I trained and placed hundreds of volunteers. I built relationships with the community and perfected my pitch speech. It’s hard to think that I gave all that up for a chance to plan fundraising events in a wretched economy. I gave up stability for risk. It was the right thing to do for me but that doesn’t stop me from feeling a wee bit sad to let the old job go. I am hoping that after a week off from work I can return rejuvinated and inspired. I will FINALLY be able to focus more on my new role and really dive in. There is possibility and promise there; I just need to open my eyes to it.

But first I’m going to rest. I’m going to do whatever I damn well please- watch hours on end of the Food Network while laying on my couch in my pajamas or spend all day on line reading blogs or hang out in a cafe drinking tea and reading a book or being crafty or baking muffins from scratch or sitting and staring at a wall. Who knows what kind of shenanigans I will get into? Got any recommendations?

You are SO grounded.

election-023I walked in the door to discover an envelope with teeth marks all over it and ripped to shreds at the corner. A tenant had slipped a form under my door for me to sign and Dash had obliterated it. Imagine my chagrin when I had to go knock on the tenant’s door and tell him my cat ate it.


Dash does this to rent checks too. I’m convinced he’s actually a dog in a cat’s body desperate for reassignment surgery so he can change his name to Chomp.

Wealth of My Heart

In the spirit of the upcoming holidays, I’ve been thinking a lot about giving.

Due to my line of work, I am privy to a first-hand look at how the holidays are often far from joyous for many people. Too many kids wake up on Christmas morning and have no gift. Too many people need shelter and a warm meal. Too many people are lonely and want some company. Too many people are hungry and want to provide a special meal for their family. All of us are likely worried about the economy and the future. I know I am. But when I think about the men and women who struggle to find adequate shelter in the cold rain, the children who move from foster home to foster home never knowing what “home” is, the elderly who have no one to visit them, or the sick who are stuck in the hospital, I can’t NOT do something. It can be as simple as donating a bag of groceries to signing up to serve food at a shelter to buying a gift for a child in need. These gestures might feel small but to someone else? They are big.

Times are tough right now and in my circle of most beloved people, many are struggling to make ends meet. Everyone is pinching pennies and being cautious when it comes to money. So, I’m leveling the playing field. Instead of buying gifts for everyone, I am going to invite my loved ones to volunteer with me or I will donate money to charity in their name. I’ve already lined up two volunteer opportunities and am looking for others. Sharing our time in an effort to help others will be more meaningful than getting a new cd or necklace.

This is not a cop out to avoid shopping and spending. I’ve given this a lot of thought. I want to get back to the true meaning of the holidays which to me is, spreading joy and sharing my wealth. My wealth has never been in my bank account but in my heart.

If you have suggestions of volunteer opportunities or organizations to donate to, I’m open to suggestions. Or if you’re volunteering or donating, I’d love to know.

I’ll keep you posted on my progress.

What Went Right

  • My Mom came to my work and did the rest of my data entry.
  • My presentation was a hit at the Board of Directors meeting.
  • Both available units are rented as of 6pm last night.
  • Everything I ordered on line from Old Navy fit.

And maybe the best of the rightness:

  • My replacement was hired as of 4pm yesterday.


Don’t mind me here on the floor. I need the rest anyhow.

** I still have to work this Sunday but still, I can see the horizon.

Dear {You}

Dear Coworker,

I am not sorry I sent you that email essentially telling you to get on board or else. You have been roadblocking me for years while impeding the success of your own program. I am done catering to your ineptitude. Believe me, that was the nice version of what I really wanted to say.

Suck it up.


Your hanging-by-a-thread coworker


Dear Potential Tenant,

You totally want to live here and will give me a deposit tonight. Otherwise, I will be forced to lock you in a storage unit until you change your mind.

Don’t make me buy a lock,

Your tired-of-showing-vacant-units-new-manager


Dear Chub,

You’re cramping my style. I get the message- when the underwear feels tight, it’s time to lose weight.


No Elastic Waist Pants for Me (though they do sound comfy)


Dear Cats,

I don’t enjoy eyelid licking, hair eating or whispered sweet nothings (AKA loud purring) in my ear at 5:30am.

Go back to sleep.


The Woman Who Feeds You Wet Food


Dear Everyone Who Thinks They Are Getting a Christmas Gift,

You aren’t.


Spendthrift Sizzle

P.S. This does not include you, Finn.


Dear Laundry,

Please wash yourself in cold water and dry yourself on permanent press. Then, if you’d so kindly fold yourself and put yourself away, I’d be indebted to you.


Commando Sizzle

P.S. Don’t forget to clean the lint screen.


Dear Free Time,

I miss you.



(This idea was blatantly stolen from my friend, Walking Punchline.)